to run only documents that are supposed to be opened in the plugin in IE-mode, while keeping AJAX documents in standard Edge, you will need to add both the exact AccessPoint url and servername/QvAJAXZfc/AccessPoint.aspx, and set "Allow redirect" to False.to run a whole QlikView site in IE-mode, add the hostname of the server (e.g.

Run Enterprise Mode Site List Manager for v.2 schema as Administrator and create version controlled xml file for URL that should use IE within Edge.Download EMIESiteListManager ( Enterprise Mode Site List Manager for v.2 schema).OLD PROCESS (it won't work on Windows 11): Remove the added msedge.adm policy update.Right click Local Computer Policy > Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates and.Note: if the "Old process" (see below) had previously been applied, those changes will need to be reverted:.check with your IT Policies administrators for possible ways of automating the process above for all users.

At the end of that period, users will be prompted to add back the page to the list.

The example provided helps you configure a single PC. In case of problems, please refer to Microsoft's documentation. Depending on tool(s) used, customization(s), and/or other factors ongoing support on the solution below may not be provided by Qlik Support. The information in this article is provided as-is and to be used at own discretion.